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 EACH ONE.     


Sister To Sister is an organization dedicated to empowering women and their families in Newport News, Virginia.  UNUA PAUTUSENN (UN NA PA TO SEN), meaning We Are One, Woman are the foundation, is the Kiswahili name for Sister To Sister.  Sharing knowledge and training, Hampton University students offer their assistance to the operation of the program. Sister To Sister was founded in 1992 by Ms. Hakima Abdul Samad Muhammad and Dr. Pamela D. Hall. These women developed an organization for women and female children focusing on community outreach, in an effort to offer a positive solution to the daily issues of inner city families.


From the beginning, Ms. Muhammad and Dr. Hall ran a support group for women at the Moton Community House in Newport News, Virginia called Black Woman in Focus, eliciting the support of Hampton University’s female students.  By 1995, Black Woman in Focus inspired the development of the campus organization Sister To Sister.  For over 20 years, the organization has hosted and participated in health fairs, stop the violence rallies, youth forums and seminars, as well as, food and clothing drives for the families of Newport News and Hampton VA.

At the Moton Community House, Ms. Muhammad and Dr. Hall developed and operated the S.U.P.E.R. (Supreme Unity Perpetuating Eternal Revolution) Saturday program in 1995, assisted by Sister To Sister.  The purpose of the S.U.P.E.R. Saturday program is to extend a support system for each of its participants.  As a structured and comprehensive enrichment program, S.U.P.E.R. Saturday provides mentoring, tutoring, and support for female children ages 6-17 year old. It is designed to address life skills. 


S.U.P.E.R. Saturday incorporates community service projects, arts and crafts, games, field trips, and forums into its curriculum.  Forums and themes include how to overcome daily obstacles, such as communicating with family members, listening skills, building self-esteem, gaining and maintaining peer and self respect, peer pressure, and coping with short and long term economic difficulties. Workshops and discussions on college or job search strategies, interview skills, money management, etiquette, and African-American heritage are regularly held.  Age appropriate information sessions and discussions on abstinence, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, and drug and alcohol abuse are also offered. 


In 2001, the SUPER Saturday program relocated to the C. Waldo Scott Center for Hope, Newport News, Virginia.  In 2010, the program established a second location at the Lincoln Park Community Center, Hampton, Virginia. In 2013, the mayors of the cities of Hampton and Newport News proclaimed March 30, 2013, as Sister To Sister Day recognizing the positive impact that Sister To Sister has on the development of our young woman, and encourage all to support the efforts of the Sister To Sister organization. In 2014, three additional locations were established Newport Harbours, Newport News, Virginia; N. Phoebus Community Center, Hampton, Virginia; and The Blayton Building Williamsburg, Virginia. In 2017, House Joint Resolution NO. 832 was presented from the Virginia General Assembly Commending Sister To Sister on 25 years of empowering and uplifting school-aged African American girls in Hampton and Newport News. In 2018, we opened our first Sister To Sister  Resource Center in the Southeast Community of Newport News. As we continue to grow, Sister To Sister is steadfast in ministering to underrepresented youth in the community with its philosophy of “Each One, Teach One”. I


Upcoming Events
Back to School Fish Fry Fundraiser
Sister To Sister Resource Ctr.
2009A Jefferson Avenue NN
September 9, 2023
10 am - 4 pm
Food Pantry Red House 24 hr/day (located outside Resource Center) 
Take it or leave it non-perishable food items 
Y-TEC After School Program
4:30 pm - 7:00 pm Mon- Thurs August-June
Youth Ages 10 - 17 Boys & Girls
Funded by the City of NN GVIP grant
Education Day 8/15/23 9 am - 12 pm
Boys & Girls Club of the Virginia Peninsula
629 Hampton Avenue NN VA 23607

Speak Your Truth Workshop 

Thursday July 21, 2023 @6:00 pm 

Restoration & Faith Ministry

2114 Wickham Ave

Newport News, VA 23607

The purpose of this workshop is to introduce effective ways to communicate in order for the collaborations of Thousand Youth Rally can be effective. The goal is to produce results and not just to have a conversation.

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National Night Out 4 pm - 7 pm

Boys & Girls Club of the Virginia Peninsula

629 Hampton Avenue NN

August 1, 2023

make checks and money orders payable to:

                      Sister To Sister, Inc.

P.O. Box 423

Hampton, VA 23669

Help us make a difference


S.U.P.E.R. Saturday Program is a community service interactive educational program for youth six years of age and older. All children are welcome to join and parents are welcome also. Dates and Times TBA.


Newport News

B&G Clubs of the Virginia Peninsula


Sister To Sister Resource Ctr.

2009 A Jefferson Avenue  




S.U.P.E.R. Saturdays
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